Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt S2 E4 Review

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is here and we feel like we’ve been waiting forever since Season 1 aired March 6th, 2015.

We’ve sat down completely willingly and have already binge-watched the entire 2nd season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and decided to review what we thought was utter perfection for a follow-up season! We can promise you that you will not be disappointed by Season 2, it is just as hilarious as Season 1, maybe even better!

There are spoilers ahead in this article, each episode of Season 2 has been written about and labelled so you know where you can read to if you’re only a few episodes in and you don’t want any spoilers. You have been warned!

The theme tune still has us jamming every time and it’s great to hear it once again, let’s talk Season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!

Episode 4: Kimmy Kidnaps Gretchen

This episode, were it a song, would be the anthem of strong women. The whole episode is of Kimmy showing Gretchen that she no longer has to follow the expectations of men, specifically those that are cult leaders. Kimmy shows Gretchen the way to being a strong independent woman and builds her up to greatness despite Gretchen’s belief that she is no good without somebody telling her what to do.  Gretchen listens to Kimmy, and in the end creates her own cult where she makes the rules rather than follows them and even though Kimmy didn’t really get her message across about cults, it is great to see a TV show that enforces the message of women building one another up rather than tearing women down.

This episode is so relatable to anybody who has ever fallen in love. Titus goes on his first date with Mikey and they bond over their love of The Lion King despite Titus being very uptight and visibly worried and bothered by how much he enjoys Mikey’s company. Titus dumps Mikey after their date because he’s scared of getting hurt because he’s fallen in love with Mikey and his company so fast and Lillian being the sneak that she is, sets them back up again. Titus shows us that it’s ok to be scared of the unknown and that we deserve somebody that can love us for our imperfections. We are really shipping Mikey and Titus! In the words of our beloved Kimmy: Hashbrown, Tikey!

Our most memorable quotes from the episode are:

“You know how I roll, and I’m not talking about the time I fell into a trash can on top of a hill” – Titus

“I just had a feeling those two would click, you know, like all my joints!” – Lillian.

8.7/10 star IMDB rating.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 2 Review 4

Overall, each and every episode in the second season considered, we’ve been taken on a journey of discovery with the cast of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. We admit, the first season was great so we were worried they wouldn’t be able to follow, but they did spectacularly. If you haven’t seen the show you really should and if you have, watch it again! The show is full of messages that every single person can relate to about love and friendship. The messages that Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt share are important whether it is the message of self-acceptance or accepting others. The character development in the show has blown us away and the characters feel even realer despite the ridiculousness of the situations they can get themselves into. CelebMix absolutely recommends that you watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!

Did you watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 2, already? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below or Tweet us @CelebMix
