Special Prosecutor Claims Kim Foxx Mishandled Jussie Smolletts Case Substantial Abuses Of

Publish date: 2024-04-14

Dan Webb, the special prosecutor who’s in charge of looking into the management of Jussie Smollett‘s case, reported that there were “substantial abuses of discretion and operational failures” regarding the way Kim Foxx, the DA, handled the Empire star’s case.

The designated special prosecutor released his findings this week in which he claimed Foxx and others created false statements that were later revealed to the public.

As most know, Jussie found himself at the center of controversy back in January of 2019 when he claimed he was the victim of a racist hate crime. The Empire alum was charged with 16 felony counts in March, including lying on a police report.

Mr. Webb says there were clear ethical issues in the way Foxx and her staff handled the case, however, nothing illegal was done. Jussie’s lawyer, Mark Geragos, responded to the report by claiming it was clear Jussie did nothing wrong and the additional charges were unjustly brought against him.


Geragos wrote in his statement that the report on Kim Foxx shows Dan Webb’s “political electoral motivation.” Moreover, he accused Webb of simply trying to take down a “black, progressive, female prosecutor” because she “doesn’t fit within the white power structure.”

Jussie and his attorney reiterated their defense, arguing that there was no wrong-doing on Smollett’s part when the charges against him were dropped last year. Geragos also says the second waves of charges were a violation of his constitutional rights.

Followers of the case know Jussie has denied the allegations against him repeatedly ever since the Chicago police force turned their attention on to him. Not long after the actor’s story went public, the Chicago PD claimed they had clear evidence that Jussie had orchestrated the attack on himself.


Smollett has denied this, although, the two men who he had hired to attack him were allegedly the ones to confirm the story. Earlier this year, Jurnee Smollett, Jussie’s sister, explained how the charges and the media scandal impacted their lives. She described it as “brutal.”
