Net worth of CDL legend after 12 years in competitive Call of Duty, and more

Publish date: 2024-04-30

Seth "Scump" Abner is a prominent Call of Duty League (CDL) American player who recently retired and concluded his professional journey with OpTic Texas. He has competed in several tournaments and championship series, where he was instrumental in securing prominent positions.

CDL is the official tournament hosted by Activision and is carried out in the latest Modern Warfare 2 for Call of Duty League 2023. This stage allows rising talents to showcase their in-game prowess and fight for the coveted title.

Each tournament has its own prize pool, with the winning team taking a large chunk of the total amount. These wins constitute players' earnings and increase their net worth in the esports scene.

That said, here are all the details of Scump’s career and his total net worth after almost 12 years in competitive Call of Duty and Call of Duty League events.

CDL legend Scump retired and amassed massive net worth

Born on June 30, 1995, Scump is an American player who has played in various Call of Duty games and their respective competitions. The player rose in popularity due to his extraordinary gameplay and skills honed over time through tournaments. He became a pillar of the CDL scene and is highly regarded as one of the living legends in the community.

Scump’s net worth

Scump has retired only from the competitive Call of Duty Scene while still being signed to OpTic Texas as a content creator. Considering his contributions to the CDL teams and other tournaments alongside sponsorships and content creation, his net worth estimate is around $4 million.

The player will make regular appearances in OpTic Texas' media and content as he continues to stream on Twitch and upload videos on YouTube. Scump is also partnered with glasses and clothing brand Oakley and is the co-owner of CTRL, which makes healthy meal replacement bars and shakes.

Scump’s career

Scump has played several Call of Duty titles and experienced every game at the highest skill level while also being a phenomenal force. Here is a list of all the titles he has played and participated in, including several CDLs.

Recent performances

Scump has a shining legacy built on diligent hard work and unending improvements. He climbed the competitive scene and was successful enough to become an idol for many professional players. Here are a few of his most recent achievements in various championships.

Scump's retirement announcement shocked many enthusiasts and fans in the Call of Duty community. The player has devoted much of his life to these titles and CDL competitions. However, he is expected to create content and provide players with new videos.

That said, Scump has amassed a healthy net worth after 12 long years in competitive Call of Duty. Stay tuned to Sportskeeda for the latest updates and more CDL 2023 details.

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