Miley Cyrus & her mom do a photo op after The Mullets GQ interview

Publish date: 2024-05-08


Yesterday, Billy Ray Cyrus’s GQ interview made the rounds, and it quickly became the story of the day. The Mullet opened up – for six long pages – about his faith, his mistakes as a parent, how Hannah Montana and Disney destroyed his family, and how he wished he could do everything differently. Go here for a recap. Maybe The Mullet was speaking from the heart, maybe he was coming across as truly hurt and destroyed, or maybe it was just yet another dumb move in the tainted history of Cyrus Family badness.

So… instead of answering her father’s appeals or issuing her own statement in kind, Miley and her mother Tish chose to do a photo op together, hours after The Mullet’s interview came out. The message seems to be (in my mind): “Nothing to see here, no emergency, no tragedy, just a teenager hanging out with her mom, because the teenager can’t hang out with her dad, because he’s crazy.” That’s how I read it.

Also – Fame Pictures has these pics labeled “Miley’s Weight Gain”. I know many, many people noted Miley’s apparent weight gain or bloated appearance at the Grammys, so let’s discuss it. If you look at her body, she really hasn’t gained weight, that I can see. Her face is just a little puffy, which may be from alcohol, or maybe from too much salty food. Who knows? I won’t defend Miley about most of her junk, but I will defend her puffy face and her “weight gain”. She’s 18 years old, for God’s sake! Were you eating healthy and always sleek and not puffy when you were 18?




Photos courtesy of Fame.
