Michael Fassbender gets sexy with Penelope Cruz in new Counselor clips: hot?

Publish date: 2024-04-30

It’s been a while since I wrote any slash fiction about Javier Bardem. Back in the day, I had a thing about imagining Javi and Daniel Craig getting down together (on the hood of a car). That was before Skyfall. And while I still love the idea of Daniel and Javi enjoying each other’s bodies, I might have to think up some new scenarios for Javier and Michael Fassbender. Possibly costarring Brad Pitt and Penelope Cruz. All four actors (plus Cameron Diaz) star in Ridley Scott’s The Counselor. The Counselor will be released on October 25, and while I doubt it will be an awards season contender, I’m still really, really looking forward to it.

Yesterday, the studio released three new short clips from the film, featuring all of the primary actors (except for Cameron). Brad Pitt is trying to talk Fassbender out of making a deal. Javier is trying to mess with Fassbender’s mind. And Penelope Cruz is naked with Fassbender and she wants him to do things to her. So… yeah. Um. I’m going to be first in line for this movie. Here are the clips:

“Tell me something sexy” is my new happy place. I do have one minor complaint, which I may take back after I’ve seen more of the film – Fassy’s Southern-ish accent sounds incredibly fake. I usually think Fassy is really good at all sorts of accents, and I was impressed with his realistic flat American accent in Shame (although his character didn’t talk that much). But it’s something about a European trying to do a specific Southern accent or any kind of Southwestern drawl… it’s really difficult for them. I’ll wait and see.

….I was waiting to see if the new full-length trailer for The Counselor would be released this morning, but not yet. I’ll post it when it comes out!

UPDATE: Here’s the new trailer!

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
