Kate Hudson believes in journaling, eating 5 meals a day & indulging

Publish date: 2024-05-26


Kate Hudson covers the new issue of Self Magazine… to promote her athletic line, Fabletics, and her beauty/fitness book, Pretty Happy. It’s a lot like the situation with Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz and Jessica Alba – the movie roles aren’t always there, so some actresses have branched out to side projects, and now those side projects get those actresses the magazine covers and publicity they crave (and despite their complaints, they do crave it). Kate’s recent publicity blitz reminds me a lot of Cameron Diaz’s blitz a few years ago when she promoted her beauty/fitness book. There’s a lot of “lifestyle advice” and “how to keep your life centered” sort of stuff. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

The perils of doling out advice: “I’m finally at a place in my life where if someone wants to know what I do to stay healthy, why not tell them? Why not put it out there?”

Always change: “I change my routine. I change my look. I change my mind… [with fitness,] I really switch it up. I’ll do Tracy Anderson, I’ll do Body by Simone, I do everything. Nothing, literally nothing, makes me feel like I’m back to my body more than pilates. I’m one of those people who, it’ll be early in the morning and I’ll be in a robe getting my hair done, and I’ll use my Hot5 app—and do push-ups for five minutes!”

Her diet: She goes for five small meals a day, sticking to unprocessed and plant-based foods for the most part. “I’ve pretty much cut meat out. I don’t remember the last time I ate a steak… The hardest thing for me is eating right when I get up, because I don’t like to. I’m not one of those people who wakes up hungry. I wake up and I want coffee and even a green juice, but everybody says you’ve got to eat something, even if it’s little. So that’s sort of the hardest, but I realize that when I do, I eat less during the day or late at night.”

Indulging: “If I want to go out and eat at a restaurant with amazing food, I’ll do that, like, once a week where I’m not thinking about it. I want to indulge! I want to do things that are not necessarily healthy sometimes.”

Journaling: “Journaling keeps me centered. When you jot things down, you can really see what’s going on. What are you eating? What are your food patterns? You can get clued in to the things that are going on with you. It’s proven that people who express gratitude, people who make that a practice in their life, are more joyful. Any sort of affirmation is a very simple way of reframing your thoughts, removing yourself from the negative.”

Societal pressures: “Find the place where you feel really good in yourself. We’ve been programmed to feel like we’re under this great obligation as women to look and be a certain way. And that’s not our fault. That’s what culture and society have gifted us as women. Thank you but no thank you.”

[From Self]

I feel like CB would probably enjoy Kate’s thoughts on fitness a lot more than I’m enjoying it. CB likes Zumba and spin and she likes to work out with other people, which Kate talks about a lot in this interview, that fitness is best enjoyed in a group, when everyone is dancing or sweating together. That, to me, sounds like hell. I hate working out in groups. I’ve taken one class in my whole adult life and I HATED it. What I do like about Kate is that her message is very positive – she’s not saying there’s just one way to work out or be centered or diet. Her overwhelming message is: do what works for you, find what makes you centered, find what makes you happy. It’s very non-judgmental and I appreciate that.


Photos courtesy of Self Magazine.
