Gwyneth Paltrow is coming back to Glee, annoying or inevitable?

Publish date: 2024-04-28

I don’t think I’m alone when I say that Glee is best when it focuses on the kids and the plot instead of pandering to whatever guest star they have. The Gwyneth Paltrow episode was better than the Britney one at least, but it still seemed so focused on making Gwyneth out to be this cool actress who spoke Spanish without an accent and was down with the ‘teens. It’s a distraction when they focus on the guest star, but when the guest star is as popular as Gwyneth it leads to high ratings for the show. The Glee episode on which Gwyneth appeared, The Substitute, is currently the most viewed show this month on Hulu. Gwyneth told Access Hollywood’s Maria Menounos that she signed up to do two shows for Glee and will be reprising her role as Holly Holiday.


On Glee
I’m going to do one more. I signed up for two when I did it, so I’m excited.

On the best part of Glee
Just the incredible challenge of getting off a plane, going to record four songs immediately in one afternoon and then having to learn all the dance numbers in just 20 minutes. And I love [creator] Ryan Murphy he’s an old friend of mine… and everybody’s talent and getting to work with Jane Lynch, and Matt Morrison is so adorable and all the kids and it was just great… my daughter fell in love with Heather [Brittany]

[From video on Access Hollywood]

Can I say something snarky? (Why am I asking permission like I won’t do it anyway?) Gwyneth needs some foundation. Her complexion is too ruddy, and I know because I have similar coloring and it’s a bitch to find foundation that flatters. (Damn you, Prescriptives, for going out of business.) However, I wouldn’t do a TV interview without some, and I’d also put some decent mascara on. Gwynnie is probably cultivating her “down home” image in advance of her country movie – she’s got the messy hair going too. I guess I can’t hate on her for looking less polished, but it does bug me that she’s coming back to Glee. They need to bring back Neil Patrick Harris. Now he’s a guest star that adds instead of taking away. I have to give it to Gwyneth though, she can sing and she adds something too. Maybe next time I’ll be able to focus on the show instead of Goop and her superiority.

