Armored Core 6 combat guide: Assault Boostexplained

Publish date: 2024-04-18

Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon admittedly looks a lot different from what FromSoftware's games usually look like, especially the ones developed in the last decade or so. While FromSoftware did experiment with different genres over the years, one thing that has remained common among all of their games is gameplay depth and challenge.

And Armored Core 6, their latest offering, is no different, featuring probably the most in-depth customization and gameplay system compared to any of their previous titles. While the combat of their latest mech-action takes a little time to get used to, the options it opens up once you get in grips with it are almost endless.

You can master multiple playstyles and combo your attacks in many different ways to deal the most amount of damage to the enemies in the least amount of time. One of the best and most useful ways of dealing damage and also staying away from harm's way is to master the Assault Boost ability in Armored Core 6.

How does Assault Boost work in Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon?

Assault Boost is one of the primary abilities that you can access right from the get-go. While there are a few more abilities that you can unlock as you progress through the game (Boost Kick, Manual Aim, and Weapon Bay), Assault Boost is unlocked for your ACs by default. It is one of the most crucial aspects of both combat and general gameplay.

While Assault Boost is best used as a gap-closer between you and the enemy, it can also be used to either dodge attacks or as an extension of your own attacks. Here's how you can perform the Assault Boost in Armored Core 6:

You can also use the Assault Boost in conjunction with the Boost Kick (done by pressing L3 at the end of an Assault Boost). This combo deals massive amounts of stagger damage and also has the potential to knock regular enemies off ledges in certain missions and even PvP.

Assault Boost in Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon is also an integral part of your arsenal, one that will help either dodge or deal damage to bosses like Balteus and some of the toughest late-game bosses.

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