16 WWE Divas without makeup

Publish date: 2024-04-28
Charlotte Flair

In addition to the ring gear, makeup forms an integral component of making a Superstar look like a Superstar, especially in the WWE women’s roster.

Today, we peel past the makeup and show you these women in a different light. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference makeup can really make. Here are 16 WWE divas without makeup on, like you’ve never seen them before.

PS: In each case, we’ve showcased them in their full get-up before showing you what they look like without any makeup on.

#16 Alexa Bliss

This is what Bliss looks like with makeup on

Multi-time women's champion Alexa Bliss is gorgeous with or without makeup. With her diminutive figure and perfectly chiselled body, Alexa Bliss is the perfect package in her WWE avatar. Bliss is the perfect package in her WWE avatar.

Here's a picture from her Instagram page with no makeup on. Still pretty stunning!

Alexa Bliss

#15 Bayley

Bayley does not look too markedly different without makeup!

Bayley does not wear too much makeup, and as a result, her makeup-less picture is just as cute as she usually is. Unlike most of the other girls in the lineup, the difference isn’t too noticeable in her case.

#14 Lita

How does this WWE legend look like without makeup on?

One look at Lita and you know that she looks absolutely stunning. Few have the grace and charisma she has, even today.

Here's a picture of the WWE Hall of Famer without makeup.

#13 Sasha Banks

Doesn’t Sasha Banks look better without any makeup on?

The Boss always looks like a million bucks, no matter if she’s cutting a promo or if she’s in the ring. While makeup makes her look like a certified superstar, she really doesn’t look too bad when she’s not wearing any.

Which avatar do you prefer? Take your own pick!

#12 Lana

The Russian Bombshell can leave you breathless even without makeup on

Lana is just a beautiful woman, and Rusev is a very lucky man! And her face without makeup is pretty darn good as well!

Let’s just say that she does not really need any to look absolutely stunning.

#11 Stephanie McMahon

Raw defeats Smackdown Live, this week

Some female WWE superstars just age like fine wine. One such woman is Stephanie McMahon, who looks just as gorgeous now as she did two decades ago. Even when she’s not wearing makeup.

#10 Renee Young

WWE Backstage host has a natural attractiveness about her

What we like about Renee Young as a character is her lack of pretence. She is what she is, and hence it comes as no surprise that she's become a favourite with the whole WWE Universe.pretence. She is what she is, and hence it comes as no surprise that she's become a favourite with the whole WWE Universe.

Somehow, her pictures without makeup are no less attractive than those with makeup on.

#9 Paige


Paige embodies the goth rock persona to the fullest. Beneath the makeup, she's a wrestling fan like you and me; and a regular girl.

Paige looks quite different behind her makeup, which has a profound effect on Paige’s glamorous look when she's on WWE programming.

#8 Naomi

Makeup or not, Naomi makes us feel the glow

Naomi has been an integral part of the women's division for a few years. And, it's quite clear that her look hasn't changed much since she made her debut on the main roster almost a decade ago. See her without any makeup on, and feel the glow!

#7 Natalya

Definitely, the most attractive wrestler to emerge from the Hart Dungeon

Natalya was never the traditional looking WWE diva and so her road to WWE was paved with challenges. While she has adopted the Hart family look and made it sizzle, she used to look great without makeup as well. Here's a glimpse of her as a youngster.

#6 Jacqueline

This Hall of Famer looks a bit different without makeup

Let's go back in time and discuss a legend who revolutionised both WWE and WCW. The former women's champion (and Cruiserweight champion) and Hall of Famer was transformed significantly with makeup. Here's what Jacqueline Moore looks like without it.

#5 Brie Bella

Brie Bella and Bryan on their wedding day!

We count down to the first of the Bellas. This time it's the lovely Brie, on her wedding day, showcased above. Right below, you can see her without makeup. Do you think she looks good? Let us know in the comments.

#4 Trish Stratus

No makeup and a few years make you look very different indeed

Presenting every man's ultimate dream from the Attitude Era. The blonde bombshell, like you've never seen her before. This time without makeup. Still quite breathtaking, to be honest.

#3 Nikki Bella

Can Nikki stay fearless with no makeup?

Now it’s officially time to see the second of the Bellas in a non-glamorous avatar. While she has posted many no-makeup pictures, each one of them shows her in a rather flattering light. This is the most non-glamourous picture that we could find.

#2 Charlotte Flair

Charlotte Flair

She's the most important female wrestler in the Women’s revolution, and hence she gets featured twice in the ‘List of Sportskeeda’ (link it in, man!). This time, it's a much younger Charlotte, long before she changed women’s wrestling.

#1 Maryse

The Miz is one lucky man!

Maryse isn't seen much on TV these days, after giving birth to two kids with husband, The Miz. She does still look pretty great, with or without makeup.

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